dimanche 11 janvier 2004


Moving Java To Main is one of the main focus of the debian-java community. To help this, I set up a wiki page at http://wiki.debian.net/: http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?MovingJavaToMain. Don't hesitate to help us to have a good free java envirronment in Debian!
Thanks for your support!

samedi 10 janvier 2004

Moving debian-java packages to main!

I'll begin to audit some debian-java packages in contrib this weekend to build them with the latest kaffe in Debian (1.1.3) and with cdbs when they build with ant.
I hope I'll be able to put some libraries in main but the most important thing I'd like to achieve is to be able to make a web page with all the debian packages in contrib and the reason why they are in contrib.
If you want to help, don't hesitate ;)
debian-java AT lists.debian.org

mercredi 7 janvier 2004

Working on updating kaffe Debian package

Updating kaffe is really important for the debian-java community because it's an important part of the success of java in a free world.
Updating the 1.1.3 release will solve some 2 RC bugs and other bugs.
Yes it's an NMU, but it's too important to wait. I want a good kaffe in Sarge!