jeudi 25 janvier 2007

IBM to release Java6 (early release)

Sun is now going Open Source for their JDK and that's a very good thing. A lot of people participate in this and I enjoyed when Mark and Dalibor called me to share the news. I thank every people who worked on open sourcing Java but it's not the point here.

The first thing that makes me not so happy was that Sun has no plan for PowerPC (and I can understand, Apple does not use it no more and it's an IBM product!).

The second thing is IBM not announcing their SDK to be open source. IBM also does a lot of things in FLOOS, in Java, IBM is behind projects like Eclipse or Harmony. But there is nothing for Linux on PowerPC at Harmony: platforms; downloads.

IBM release Java 6 (I read it on but IBM fails at open sourcing their Java. It's really strange (in my point of view) and I'm sure there is a lot of employee at IBM who are FLOOS advocate and Java devs and are also disapointed because they maybe feel like IBM does not recognize the excellent work they are doing.

I really hope IBM is going Open Source with their SDK... or they will help Harmony for Linux/PPC.

mardi 16 janvier 2007

Database Reverted

I've reverted an old backup of my drupal's database so I should be able to blog again.