mercredi 21 juillet 2004
Ten Days Off!..
Sunday @ Voorhuit: 10daysoff... strong! It's the third time we go there with my best friend. First year, we saw Idjut Boys (...) and a female dj from Paris (she did kick our ass!): Clementine; second years, we were completely wet dancing with 2ManyDJ's! This year, we saw a legend: Francois Kevorkian. As far as I know, he mixed only with his computer!.. What was the soft?! It could be mixxx but I'm afraid it's something proprietary :'(... who knows? We also danced on Luke Vibert (also known as Wagon Christ - last album: sorry i make you lush). He played music only with his Apple Powerbook 15"! What a live! Excellent!.. but what was the software?.. Rosegarden4? Ardour? The two lasts are in Debian... mixxx isn't yet. By the way, I got a lot of things to learn with Linux and Sound(s)... I hope a good start will be the portal...