samedi 23 octobre 2004

Wonderful week!

First cooking courses with friends. Lot of wine, lot of fun, lot of learning...
Cook for my wife a part of what I learnt.
Concert with the conductor Daniel KAWKA and the first prize at the highly prestigious international Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels in 2003, Severin von ECKARDSTEIN (piano).
Friends for diner and concert from the father of our friends (french pop-poetic songs)
Expo at Bruxelles from Karel Appel from CoBrA. (I think I'll visit the CoBrA Museum at Amstelveen, NL soon!..)

vendredi 15 octobre 2004

The man who was not here...

... well, this time I was ;-) chatting with Dalibor on #kaffe, it seems the 'jar on powerpc issue' could be resolved by merging the code from Classpath to Kaffe. After some explanations of the build system and the location of the classes, I did merge the 'zip' code into Kaffe, build the result and it worked! Dalibor will not accept the patch 'as is' but he told me he'll try to apply a solution in a few days. I'm waiting for some other patches and will package another far better, working on powerpc kaffe snapshot.

lundi 11 octobre 2004

My Debian Day!

It's been a long time!.. so I decided to take one day of Debian development. It started yesterday with tests on the kaffe package, and upload of the new:
  • commons-daemon package which announce the start of the work on the Tomcat5 packaging in Debian.

I went sleeping at 3am. Today:
  • libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java: resolved the bug
  • commons-daemon: import to the Alioth's pkg-java project cvs repository
  • libcommons-net-java: new upstream + new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libjazzy-java: resolved the AMD64 build bug + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libjdom-java: imported to pkg-java's cvs
  • libgnuinet-java: new upstream + new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libjexl-java: new upstream + new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libgnucrypto-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libgnujaf-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libgnumail-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • libgnujaxp-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
  • updated the tomcat5 alioth's tasks

mercredi 6 octobre 2004

I am Mario!

Like some Eric Schubert, Gergely Nagy, and Joshua Kwan, I made the VideoGame Test and...
What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario.I am Mario.
I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble. What Video Game Character Are You?