- commons-daemon package which announce the start of the work on the Tomcat5 packaging in Debian.
I went sleeping at 3am. Today:
- libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java: resolved the CatalogManager.properties bug
- commons-daemon: import to the Alioth's pkg-java project cvs repository
- libcommons-net-java: new upstream + new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libjazzy-java: resolved the AMD64 build bug + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libjdom-java: imported to pkg-java's cvs
- libgnuinet-java: new upstream + new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libjexl-java: new upstream + new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libgnucrypto-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libgnujaf-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libgnumail-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- libgnujaxp-java: new debian/watch file + updated in pkg-java's cvs
- updated the tomcat5 alioth's tasks