I've just tried the Mylyn Eclipse plug-in and it's really a great plug-in to manage tasks, bugs and so. It's capable to show only files you shoudld be working on, count time you spend on a task and update task note or comment it. I did not try the Bugzilla or Trac connector but the Generic web connector to interact with Sourceforge.
An very good feature would be a better interaction with Sourceforge, but reading bug reports against Mylyn, the blocker is an XMLRPC or a SOAP interface to the Sourceforge bug tracking software. That's why I filed a bug at Sourceforge
mardi 4 décembre 2007
lundi 3 décembre 2007
Glassfish Installation
I was trying to install Glassfish from upstream binary when I launched ant -buildfile setup.xml I had an error:
Glassfish requires JDK 1.5 or higher, you have java version "1.7.0"
Glassfish requires JDK 1.5 or higher, you have java version "1.7.0"
samedi 24 novembre 2007
Eclipse with IcedTea on Debian Lenny PowerPC
I just launch it and was so surprised that I wanna blog about it. I don't know how it works but Eclipse starts as fast enough for me (maybe faster than IBM's JVM, I don't know) and I can't beleive it! :-D
Read previous blog to have instructions to build it (and again thanks to Sun, Gary Benson and all those who make it possible!)
Read previous blog to have instructions to build it (and again thanks to Sun, Gary Benson and all those who make it possible!)
IcedTea is served: openjdk/control/build/linux-ppc
Control build finished: 07-11-24 22:25
Many thanks to Sun and all the RedHat team (especially Gary Benson) we have IcedTea on PowerPC!
Here are the DebianBuildInstructions: http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/DebianBuildingInstructions
Many thanks to Sun and all the RedHat team (especially Gary Benson) we have IcedTea on PowerPC!
Here are the DebianBuildInstructions: http://icedtea.classpath.org/wiki/DebianBuildingInstructions
jeudi 1 novembre 2007
No new laptop
Someone stole one of my co-worker's laptop. It's really sad, of
course, as you can imagine, no backup! All the staff has been
backuping private data on the next day! Now, there is a bad mood at
work where every trainer lock the door when (s)he teaches :(
course, as you can imagine, no backup! All the staff has been
backuping private data on the next day! Now, there is a bad mood at
work where every trainer lock the door when (s)he teaches :(
Another bad news is the assurance does not work because it was during
the work and there is no infraction. So we'll lost nearly €3000. That
means I can forget my new laptop this year :'(
I'll be looking closer at the work of Garry Benson on the powerpc
port of IcedTea.
vendredi 5 octobre 2007
Beans Binding and Swing Application Framework
Some bookmarks on articles I have to read about two Java JSR that will easy the Swing development:
- Beans Binding
- JSR 295: Beans Binding
- Beans Binding on java.net
- Scott Violet's Blog: Ease of Swing Development - Beans Binding
- Shannon Hickey's Blog: Beans Binding 1.0 Released
- JSR 295 Beans Binding Hits 1.0 on InfoQueue
- Beans Binding (JSR 295) & Properties on JDK7 on JavaLobby
- Stephen Colebourne's Weblog: Java 7 - Update on Properties
- Swing Application Framework
- JSR 296: Swing Application Framework
- Swing Application Framework on java.net
- An Introduction to the Swing Application Framework API (JSR-296) on java.net
- Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) on JavaLobby
- Article Using the Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) on java.sun.com
jeudi 6 septembre 2007
I see the world in ASCII...
Russian artists from Moscow presented in London the totally useless but somehow cool device - goggles that you can put on and feel yourself like a robot from a Terminator movie or like somebody else from “the cyberspace”. Read the blog.
dimanche 2 septembre 2007
My Music on MySpace.com
I uploaded some music content on http://myspace.com/arnogomez. The first track is a work in progress with David Borsu. We already have positive comments about it, don't hesitate to rate and comment.
The second track is a track I made with KRP Project back in 1999.
Both are unreleased yet.
I also find a 12 inches from KRP Project and me, released in 2000: all the tracks are on http://myspace.com/kroquisrecords
The second track is a track I made with KRP Project back in 1999.
Both are unreleased yet.
I also find a 12 inches from KRP Project and me, released in 2000: all the tracks are on http://myspace.com/kroquisrecords
Naturally 7 live in Paris subway
It could be an ad for the Paris subway ;-) video (needs flash player).
vendredi 31 août 2007
NO to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard
I've just signed the petition: http://www.noooxml.org/petition.
samedi 25 août 2007
Argouml in Debian
My last upload of ArgoUML was 14 October 2005. Since that time, I tried to build ArgoUML from sources each time a new release was on out. Unfortunately, ArgoUML was using the MDR module from NetBeans and this module is not yet in Debian and this module uses the JMI api which is under the Sun's binary license. I first rewrote the API (just some interfaces) under the GNU/Classpathx project so I could package the api for Debian.
Now, after uploading new releases of libgef-java and libtoolbar-java, I'll have a look at mdr and also the mdrant task which is requiered to build ArgoUML.
It was the first package I worked for in Debian and as always been the more complicated to build!
Note that I already resolved a lot of bugs and marked them as pending as they are solved in the pkg-java's svn repo.
Now, after uploading new releases of libgef-java and libtoolbar-java, I'll have a look at mdr and also the mdrant task which is requiered to build ArgoUML.
It was the first package I worked for in Debian and as always been the more complicated to build!
Note that I already resolved a lot of bugs and marked them as pending as they are solved in the pkg-java's svn repo.
jeudi 23 août 2007
IcedTea available for testing in Debian
lundi 13 août 2007
Java TCK available to OpenJDK implementations
A post from Andrew Haley that explain the position of most (IMHO) free software developers about the decision of Sun. Other GNU Classpath friends blog about it (you can read some on planet.classpath.org and welcome the move of Sun about the license of the TCK... but in the current state, gcj, kaffe, aka VM's not based on OpenJDK; or Harmony, aka VM's not under GLP, can't use the TCK.
See also the posts of Dalibor Topic and the one from
Roman Kenke. It's interesting to also read the response of Simon Phipps. It's another proof that Sun is really involved in the "Free Java" process. Even if some process could be faster, even if they have a very different way of working (Free software is often more "public"), they are doing a real good work.
I'd like to point the work of Gary Benson on porting OpenJDK to ppc! Being able to build OpenJDK on powerpc if very appreciated (at least by me! ;-)).
See also the posts of Dalibor Topic and the one from
Roman Kenke. It's interesting to also read the response of Simon Phipps. It's another proof that Sun is really involved in the "Free Java" process. Even if some process could be faster, even if they have a very different way of working (Free software is often more "public"), they are doing a real good work.
I'd like to point the work of Gary Benson on porting OpenJDK to ppc! Being able to build OpenJDK on powerpc if very appreciated (at least by me! ;-)).
Java TCK available to OpenJDK implementations
A post from Andrew Haley that explain the position of most (IMHO) free software developers about the decision of Sun. Other GNU Classpath friends blog about it (you can read some on planet.classpath.org and welcome the move of Sun about the license of the TCK... but in the current state, gcj, kaffe, aka VM's not based on OpenJDK; or Harmony, aka VM's not under GLP, can't use the TCK.
See also the posts of Dalibor Topic and the one from
Roman Kenke. It's interesting to also read the response of Simon Phipps. It's another proof that Sun is really involved in the "Free Java" process. Even if some process could be faster, even if they have a very different way of working (Free software is often more "public"), they are doing a real good work.
I'd like to point the work of Gary Benson on porting OpenJDK to ppc! Being able to build OpenJDK on powerpc if very appreciated (at least by me! ;-)).
See also the posts of Dalibor Topic and the one from
Roman Kenke. It's interesting to also read the response of Simon Phipps. It's another proof that Sun is really involved in the "Free Java" process. Even if some process could be faster, even if they have a very different way of working (Free software is often more "public"), they are doing a real good work.
I'd like to point the work of Gary Benson on porting OpenJDK to ppc! Being able to build OpenJDK on powerpc if very appreciated (at least by me! ;-)).
jeudi 2 août 2007
Upgrading to Drupal 5.2
It's sometime now that I can't log into my drupal website, I finally decided to upgrade my installation to Drupal 5.2. Everything went without problems so I'll be able to blog a little more.
lundi 21 mai 2007
Inside the Digital Dump
Technology drives the forces of globalization. But when we replace our computers and flat-screens with the newest in high-tech cool, what happens to the hardware we throw away? Read the article at Foreign Policy
vendredi 11 mai 2007
libjarjar-java_1.0~rc3.dfsg.1-1 in the new queue
but if you can't wait, you can add my people.d.o repo.
Also, while building jarjar, I submitted some patches to fix warnings (but I don't see my mail on the list archive at the moment).
- Next step:
- #418678 ITP: trove4j -- high performance collections for java objects and primitive type
- #418579 ITP: aspectwerkz -- AOP framework for Jav
- #386101 ITP: cglib -- code generation library for Java
- #419363 ITP: xmlcommons-external -- stable version of XMI-related externally-defined standards-based code
- #417888 batik: new upstream version
- #419761 libstruts1.2-java: newer upstream versions available
Also, while building jarjar, I submitted some patches to fix warnings (but I don't see my mail on the list archive at the moment).
jeudi 10 mai 2007
fop 0.93 in Debian
I've uploaded fop 0.93 in Debian. As it's a new upstream, it'd take some time (or could be rejected if I messed up!). In the mean time, you can add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
With these lines, you'll be able to get libxmlgraphics-commons-java (which is needed by fop). This is a new lib so it's not yet in the archive, that's why you could have problems to install fop at the moment: #423196.
deb http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/debian/ ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/debian/ ./
With these lines, you'll be able to get libxmlgraphics-commons-java (which is needed by fop). This is a new lib so it's not yet in the archive, that's why you could have problems to install fop at the moment: #423196.
Some Debian work...
- New packages accepted
- libjazzy-java_0.5.1a-3
- qdox_1.6.1-1
- libxmlgraphics-commons-java_1.1.dfsg.1-1
- jrexx_1.1.1-1
- c3p0_0.9.1.1.dfsg.1-1
- New uploads
- xmlgraphics-commons_1.1.dfsg.2-1 (move to contrib because it needs jpeg codecs from sun.* classes) (waiting for FTP-masters)
- libcommons-lang-java_2.3-1
- javassist_3.4.dfsg.1-1 (re-upload because I messed debian/copyright... sorry ftp-masters)
vendredi 13 avril 2007
libhibernate-java Take 4, fop and other updates
- Bug fixes
- libgef-java: #418865
libhibernate-java: trove
I'm still working on trove (#418678) but I can't generate some classes (SourceForge/trove4j#1699401).
pja, fop, batik and others
I'm also working on pja (#374118 this one is done, but I'd like to build it with gcj #261373), fop (done (committed in svn): #407018, #363556, #374117, #349376, #406109; todo: #271654, #366783, #397602) and batik (#397562).
I also asked on debian-java list: Should we remove xerces-j 1.1.4 from Debian?: argouml (#418864) and arbortext-catalog (#418844) are the only remaining packages that depend on libxerces-java (libxerces2-java is in Debian of course!). While making a patch for arbortext-catalog, I saw they don't build java classes from sources (#418866 and xerces-j can't be built from sources any more (#418841).
I have problems with xmlgraphics-commons (#418996) but I hope we'll be able to get TIFF support with xmlgraphics-commons with gcj. Same problem for fop and batik who use Sun private classes.
jeudi 12 avril 2007
libhibernate-java Take 3
I was trying to build jarjar (#417591). It was needed by cglib (#386101) but upstream told me I could build it without jarjar. But then, I found cglib needed aspectwerkz (#418579).
Aspectwerkz needs qdox (#323043 and #418673); trove (#418678); and jrexx (#418681).
I uploaded jrexx, it's in the new queue. I hope there are not so many dependencies I haven't discover!
Aspectwerkz needs qdox (#323043 and #418673); trove (#418678); and jrexx (#418681).
I uploaded jrexx, it's in the new queue. I hope there are not so many dependencies I haven't discover!
mercredi 4 avril 2007
libhibernate-java Take 2
As I already wrote (it was the take 1), I'm working on packaging Hibernate (then Spring, then Jboss, then Jonas but dont' tell, it's the secret plan!).
The first step has been done, #386100 (ITP: c3p0) is pending. I uploaded it to experimental because it needed a method in javax.management that is only in gcj experimental.
The next step is to package cglib (#386101). I discover cglib embed asm in its jar and change the package name of the classes. The tool used to do that is called jarjar from Tonic Systems. So I have to package it first (#417591). I'm not sure it's a very good idea and I started a discussion in the cglib forum... and one of the developers already answered... FLOSS is too cool ;-). I'll try to see if it's possible to package both jars (one with asm, the other one without it).
Michael Koch and I discussed about the name of the package: jboss-hibernate. And we concluded that we'll call the source package the same name the binary package: libhibernate-java. I retitled #385569.
After that, there will still be two blocking bugs to package libhibernate-java:
The first step has been done, #386100 (ITP: c3p0) is pending. I uploaded it to experimental because it needed a method in javax.management that is only in gcj experimental.
The next step is to package cglib (#386101). I discover cglib embed asm in its jar and change the package name of the classes. The tool used to do that is called jarjar from Tonic Systems. So I have to package it first (#417591). I'm not sure it's a very good idea and I started a discussion in the cglib forum... and one of the developers already answered... FLOSS is too cool ;-). I'll try to see if it's possible to package both jars (one with asm, the other one without it).
Michael Koch and I discussed about the name of the package: jboss-hibernate. And we concluded that we'll call the source package the same name the binary package: libhibernate-java. I retitled #385569.
After that, there will still be two blocking bugs to package libhibernate-java:
mercredi 28 mars 2007
lundi 19 mars 2007
jboss-hibernate in Debian
Today, I first fix debian/copyright file in libjazzy-java as it was rejected by ftp-masters.
Then, I started to work on packaging jboss-hibernate in Debian. Marcus Better already filed some ITP's and I'm using them, change the owner when I'm ready to work on a package and upload it.
#385569: ITP: jboss-hibernate -- object/relational persistence service for Java
The good thing with the way Marcus worked is he filed ITP's and then send 'block' instructions to BTS, so it's easy to see what should be packaged first:
I'm working on c3p0 at the moment but building it with gcj from unstable is not possible at the moment so I'll have to install gcj from experimental and target c3p0 to experimental as well.
I also filed a bug against mx4j to package the new upstream...
Then, I started to work on packaging jboss-hibernate in Debian. Marcus Better already filed some ITP's and I'm using them, change the owner when I'm ready to work on a package and upload it.
#385569: ITP: jboss-hibernate -- object/relational persistence service for Java
The good thing with the way Marcus worked is he filed ITP's and then send 'block' instructions to BTS, so it's easy to see what should be packaged first:
- Fix blocked by #386100: ITP: c3p0 -- library for JDBC connection pooling;
- Fix blocked by #386101: ITP: cglib -- code generation library for Java;
- Fix blocked by #386102: ITP: javassist -- library for editing bytecodes in Java;
- Fix blocked by #386103: ITP: ehcache -- distributed cache library;
I'm working on c3p0 at the moment but building it with gcj from unstable is not possible at the moment so I'll have to install gcj from experimental and target c3p0 to experimental as well.
I also filed a bug against mx4j to package the new upstream...
mercredi 7 mars 2007
Formation développeur web sous Linux à Liège
La prochaine formation Web Component Developer sous Linux pour demandeurs d'emploi (gratuite) aura lieu à partir du 2 mai 2007 place Delcour à Liège (épreuves de sélection le 27 mars 2007 à 9h):
Plus d'info sur le site officiel:
Ou sur le site Ressource-toi.org:
Plus d'info sur le site officiel:
Ou sur le site Ressource-toi.org:
mardi 27 février 2007
Fosdem 2007
Like last year, I did not help Pascal to manage the devrooms. I'd like to be more helpfull so as a lot of people I made a little donation and get a FOSDEM2007 t-shirt. The event was even better than last year (even if I think it's also cool last year except the wifi was not working last year).
This is the first time since 2004 that I don't meet Wouter! I hope we'll meet next Debian or FOSDEM meeting.
Is it me or are there more and more women involved in open source? This is one of the great news form this year.
Famous People
This is the most famous picture I have since I played with Bjorn Borg when I was 10:
![]() |
De 2007-02-fosdem |
From foreground to background: Me, Tom Tromey (GCJ, Fedora, autotools, etc etc etc), Simon Phipps (Mister Open Source at Sun Microsystems). (Thanks to Stephane Meslin-Weber for taking the picture (and others). (You can't see them on the picture but there were DevJammers all around!)
OpenJDK: Wow to Sun!
Since the announce from Sun that they will Open Source Java and my complain about the way they did it in Debian (without even asking publicly to the Debian-Java team), they did a lot of progress. I and other members of Debian-Java had a lot of contacts with Tom Marble and we do still have a lot of contacts with him (he often comes to #debian-java).
The first things they did was to explain their point of view about the surprising announce and also listen to our complains and try to find a way to work with us (and it's not that easy, every Debian Dev can say that ;-)).
Second, they came with the strong staff from OpenJDK at the FOSDEM, crossing the Ocean for the whole weekend to exchange point of views with DevJam (GNU Classpath, Free VM's and all the distribution's java team). They did not come to say how they will do things, they came to find the better way to work in collaboration with the community!
Third, they prepared and managed the meeting in a very professional and deep way. They know the subject and when there is a gap, they did not try to provide a one way solution, but they proposed solutions and they were open to proposals.
Many thanks to the Sun's staff for the good work and I hope the collaboration will be successful for Sun and for Free Software.
As usual, it was a super great pleasure to meet Mark Wielaard, Dalibor Topic, Michael Koch, Roman Kennke, Robert Schuster, those I already cite in this blog and others (those I forgot and those I did not know yet) ;-)
Thanks to the FOSDEM team and to all the DevJammer's (include those from Sun ;-)).
mercredi 21 février 2007
Le Grand Content
I did not check the status of free flash under GNU/Linux PPC so sometimes, I reboot on iBSD (I meant MacOSX) and spend some time on Youtube. I saw this wonderful video from Le Grand Content (it's in English).
Update: The website of the author with more open movies: http://www.clemenskogler.net/
Update: The website of the author with more open movies: http://www.clemenskogler.net/
jeudi 25 janvier 2007
IBM to release Java6 (early release)
Sun is now going Open Source for their JDK and that's a very good thing. A lot of people participate in this and I enjoyed when Mark and Dalibor called me to share the news. I thank every people who worked on open sourcing Java but it's not the point here.
The first thing that makes me not so happy was that Sun has no plan for PowerPC (and I can understand, Apple does not use it no more and it's an IBM product!).
The second thing is IBM not announcing their SDK to be open source. IBM also does a lot of things in FLOOS, in Java, IBM is behind projects like Eclipse or Harmony. But there is nothing for Linux on PowerPC at Harmony: platforms; downloads.
IBM release Java 6 (I read it on developers.Slashdot.org) but IBM fails at open sourcing their Java. It's really strange (in my point of view) and I'm sure there is a lot of employee at IBM who are FLOOS advocate and Java devs and are also disapointed because they maybe feel like IBM does not recognize the excellent work they are doing.
I really hope IBM is going Open Source with their SDK... or they will help Harmony for Linux/PPC.
The first thing that makes me not so happy was that Sun has no plan for PowerPC (and I can understand, Apple does not use it no more and it's an IBM product!).
The second thing is IBM not announcing their SDK to be open source. IBM also does a lot of things in FLOOS, in Java, IBM is behind projects like Eclipse or Harmony. But there is nothing for Linux on PowerPC at Harmony: platforms; downloads.
IBM release Java 6 (I read it on developers.Slashdot.org) but IBM fails at open sourcing their Java. It's really strange (in my point of view) and I'm sure there is a lot of employee at IBM who are FLOOS advocate and Java devs and are also disapointed because they maybe feel like IBM does not recognize the excellent work they are doing.
I really hope IBM is going Open Source with their SDK... or they will help Harmony for Linux/PPC.
mardi 16 janvier 2007
Database Reverted
I've reverted an old backup of my drupal's database so I should be able to blog again.
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